MACK #80: 1985

Ah 1985, I remember it well!

So well, in fact, I was a little taken aback when Dave picked that particular year for the subject of this podcast. As far as I could recollect there was nothing happening in 1985 that would have been of any interest at all for him.

Turns out he confused 1985 for 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. Welp, be that as it may, this episode is all about 1985.

Dave and I go over the top ten songs, movies and albums from that year, listen to some clips and chime in with our own memories and semi-hot takes. We also go over some of the more interesting or important things that happened that year. Did you know the first URL was registered that year? Well, now you do! And yes the website is still up, doing its thing.

Also, for some reason, our 1985 discussion leads us to a conversation about crack and meth. So look forward to that!

This was a very fun episode to put together, I hope you enjoy the walk down memory lane [and the fart noises]!

Thanks for listening! You are appreciated and extraordinarily good looking too.



PS If you are interested in hearing another one of our Year Review episodes, check out our episode all about 1966!