MACK #72: Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal! \m/

Growing up in Jersey during the eighties, yours truly was very much into heavy metal. You just couldn’t not be into it where I was. KISS was my first introduction into the genre when I was very little, I think the makeup is what attracted a 10 year old me. I certainly wasn’t old enough to figure out what Love Gun was truly about.

Anywhooooo, I still love the genre because it brings back fond memories of being younger, seeing bands at L’Amour (the rock capitol of Brooklyn!) and not really caring about politics or most other adulty things.

Dave was also a teenager in New Jersey during the 80s yet he is not a huge fan of the genre, but still agreed to speak about the music because that he is a huge fan of.

He has a lot of interesting opinions on what constitutes Heavy Metal and what elements of other music actually combine to create it. He also is quite sure one of his childhood heroes is one of the godfathers of Heavy Metal. Frequent listeners to this show may have a guess as to who that may be.

After a discussion regarding the origins of heavy metal we head to! There we find out what bands the people have ranked their top ten. We also play a lot of samples and Dave lets his opinions be known!

Next up we head to to discuss The 25 Greatest Heavy Metal Songs by Rob O’Connor. Dave’s not a big fan of Rob’s writing and reviewing style but I’m fine with it. The stresses of the real world have our Dave being a little less tolerant toward Mr. O’Connor than he’d normally be. Or not.

This episode is chock full of music, which is why it’s a little late being posted. Complicated business, folks! Here’s a screenshot of the timeline. That bottom track is filled with nothing but sweet sweet metal. Or is it hard rock? Glam rock? Or maybe just really loud blues?

This was another fun episode for us to put together. It’s good to give yourself something else to think about once in a while.

We have a ton of episodes in the archives, so if you’re looking for some other frivolous shit to focus on, we are happy to be one of your frivolous shit needs providers.

We posted a Dave Reaction video on the website and! I asked Dave to add drums to one of the lost tracks from Steely Dan’s Gaucho album. I’m happy to say he did it and I think it sounds great! Head over to The Second Arrangement (UpbeatGroove Mix) to give it a listen.

That’s it for this week! Thanks for checking us out, we appreciate every one of you!

XOXO and \m/
