MACK #29: Famous: The Buzzy Linhart Story

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

Way back in 1999 I began working on a very independent documentary about singer/songwriter Buzzy Linhart.

Buzzy was an absolute staple of the 60s and 70s New York City folk rock scene. It’s still difficult to pinpoint exactly what his particular genre is because his music borrows from just about every where. Whimsical, with a message and catchy as hell is the best way to describe Buzzy and his music.

I first heard of Buzzy in 1989. He had made an appearance on the Howard Stern show and during the course of their conversation he mentioned he’d be attending a NORML rally in Washington Square Park the next week. Although I had no idea what he looked like, I ventured to the rally that day and began searching with my ears. And I had great success! Buzzy had done some cartoon voices while on with Stern, and I just happened to be walking by him when he was doing them once again.

I was instantly a fan. I saw quite a few shows of his that summer/fall and even managed to give him a ride to and from some gigs. And then, poof!, back to the west coast he went.

I purchased some of his albums from Bleeker Bob’s and introduced Dave to his music when we started dating in ’96. Dave loved his stuff immediately. And you know Dave, he’s chomping at the bit to HATE everything!

Fast forward a decade and Buzzy had returned to NYC and was playing at the Triad on 72nd. Dave and I were both really excited to see him. Those ten years had not been kind to Buzzy as far as his physicality. He was having a hard time moving around but he still sounded exactly like he had when I had last seen him. And that was great.

At the Triad show I turned to Dave and said, “He needs a documentary. More people should know about Buzzy.” Dave nodded and after the show I approached Buzzy and asked him if he’d mind if I tried to put together something. He was up for it and quite a few years later, it was finished.

And now here it is for you to listen to. The video version is up on my youtube channel, but it works really well as an audio doc.

A nice change of pace for your Thanksgiving weekend.

I hope you enjoy it!

For more information about Buzzy you can go to Please share this episode and get the word out.

XOX Have a happy and safe Turkey Day weekend!

The Sheckster

PS The disadvantage of “audio only” is of course you can’t see who is actually speaking. Here’s a quick list in order of appearance (all amazing people here — please search them out!):

Steve Denaut
Doug Rodriguez
Edwin Kramer
Jack Douglas
Mark “Moogie” Klingman
Sherry Rayn Barnett
Luther Rix
Buzzy Linhart
Phil Ryan
John Sebastian
Frank Eventoff
Jesse Colin Young
Xeno Rasmusson
Peter Ponzol
Pat Moriarity
Ronnie Rugato
Eric Brenner


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