Hey there folks!

Welp, after last week’s show we found ourselves continuing the conversation about the top ten albums of all times lists that Dave scrutinized during the episode.  It became pretty clear that we both had opinions on various albums and we decided we’d share each of our top tens this week with you all.

Hold on to your hats, this is one MEGA long episode. It is nearly 2 and a half hours long and chock full of music and musical discussions.

Once again Dave shits on my picks — well, some of them — but honestly I don’t care. He’s probably right at least some of the time. Music is his thing and he takes it very seriously.

That all being said we had plans to also talk about one of our favorite people in the world Mark Levitt (@wiggybloogy on Twitter) and his newest comedy short, Thumb Wrestling II: The Second Thumbing, but this episode went so long we just didn’t want to talk about it at the end when everyone would be sick of hearing our voices already. So! We will talk about it next week but for now! Head on over to Mark’s website to find out more about this movie!

Thumb Wrestler 2- The Sequel

Thanks for listening everyone!


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